Tuesday, October 4


The most amazing thing about the first chapter of The Story is that God (who spoke all things into existence, who holds all things together, who desires all men to come to the knowledge of the truth) yes that God. Wants to be present among us. Not just way off some where hiding behind the sun or sitting on the throne of heaven, no, here with us. The thought of this is mind boggling. Why? He doesn't need us. In the scriptures He says "If I was hungry I would not come to you." And yet, He wants to be among us. WOW!!!!!!! Now as for us, we feel as if He is the cosmic kill joy, you can't do this or you can't do that. To many rules and regulations, to many commands, how dare he want our money or our time or our worship. We're kind of like teenagers who don't want their parents around because they might embarrass them. As we go through this next thirty one weeks I want to be able to set aside all of my past learning and seek God a new. He promises that if we seek Him we will find Him. What I found in this first chapter is a God who loves all He has made. Realizing that Him setting Adam and Eve out of the garden was not punishment but an act of grace. Not giving them what they deserved but what was best for them, a chance to be redeemed. So thankful that He never changes and His mercy is new every morning. God with us! Simply amazing!!!!!!

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