Tuesday, October 18

In the Midst of the Details

Need to get some perspective on your life? Why not read the story of Joseph in the Bible. It is found from Genesis chapter thirty till the final chapter of Genesis chapter fifty. In these twenty chapters you read about betrayal, deception, temptation and death. God is in the midst of forming a group of people who He will use to bless the nations of the world. In the midst of the details of Josephs life we see how God is working to keep His promise that He made to Abraham not long ago. The perspective we need to see is that God is not a microwave, he slowly and methodically work in and behind the situations in our lives. He is moving on the behalf of His people but ultimately He is keeping His promises. Did Joseph have to go through some heartache? Yes he did. 22 years worth but compared to the 71 years of blessings he shared with his newly reconciled family it was a short hiccup. Whatever you are going through, if you have aligned your story to His, He is faithful and He keeps His promises. Just ask Joseph.

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