Wednesday, July 11


It is kind of funny that my blog is titled relax God is in control. Funny because even though I tell everyone else to relax, I haven't really heeded my own advice. The reason I am coming clean now is because lately I have relaxed and trusted in His control and life has been a whole lot better. Now I won't say it has been a whole lot easier, but it has been better. How better? My prayer for those that God has put in my care is that they would respond to the Holy Spirits call on their lives and passionately follow Jesus. Now for the longest time I felt as if it was my duty to make that happen, so I did my dead level best to make that happen. Sometimes to a disastrous end. I have unintentionally hurt many people and for that I am sorry. Meaning well but going about it all the wrong way. So recently I have made it a daily discipline to hand the reigns over to the One who does all things well. I am still passionate about wanting people to follow Jesus passionately, but now I am relying on the transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ to make it happen. And you know what? It is working!!!!

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