Wednesday, July 27


I was watching a podcast the other day and the guy said something that has been stuck in my head ever since. I have shared my thoughts about what I heard with a few people but all I have gotten in return are blank stares. Seems to be happening to me more often than not lately. Ya ya Phil, that's nice, let's talk about something less probing, "How about those pirates?" "Isn't the weather brutal?" Now I am not against small talk it just seems that is as far as most people want to go these days.

The gist of the podcast was talking about whether or not we are living the lives God intended for us to live. A life that is lived according to the very words of God, not according to words that we like to make up to make us feel better. You see I think we are missing out on so many of the blessings that God has for us because of the lies of this world. I don't know about you but I don't want to miss out on a single thing that God has for me this side of heaven. Phil, what do you mean? I am living the life God has for me. I have money in the bank, a nice car, a nice home, a good job. My family is doing okay and I am able to go wherever I want for vacation. I've got it good!

I understand, on paper that sounds like things couldn't be any better. Adam and Eve thought the same thing. We have it made. We're alive. Now remember Satan told her "you will not surely die!". God is holding out on you. You have to take things into your own hands and be all you can be. Now let me ask you did Adam and Eve die after they ate the fruit? Technically, NO! But what did they forfit to be all they could be. They forfitted real life. Now they were still alive, walking, talking, breathing, eating but without God's presence. So let me ask you, were they really alive?

Yes we might have everything we need, food, shelter, stuff, but is God present in our lives? I am not asking if you believe in God (the demons believe), I am asking is God present in your life? Are you propelled by the Spirit of the Living God while you work, shop, recreate and sleep? Are you in awe that out of the goodness of His character He chose you to be one of His own. Now I am not asking this because I got this nailed down in my own life, I am asking this because No one else is.

1 comment:

  1. Pastor Phil, I found your website on the THS class of 79 FB page. Clicked on your blog to see what kind of church your Pastoring. Love your probing question. God is ever present in my life, and I am grateful that his mercies are new every morning. I am Blessed that I do not get what I deserve, that I have Grace through Christ. I had a point in my life where I thought I had it figured out, great job, huge income, nice car, church twice a week. Lost the job, realized I didn't know the kids, spent twelve years barely surviving monetarily, but growing in my relationship with God daily. I have an amazing relationship with my Savior, an amazing relationship with my spouse and my kids informed me last week that they have an amazing relationship with me. My kids are living for Christ and I believe I'm heading back into the work force, stronger in Christ than I have ever been in my life. Keep asking the hard questions and I will continue to look in from time to time. In His Grip, Colleen
